Address, Financial, Media, Social Networking, Commercial, Employment, Vehicle and more.
5 working days, usually sooner, with expedited reports available upon request.
We will provide you with a bespoke online instruction form.
Each report can be provided alongside an organised folder containing all search files in their original format. Both a CPR compliant witness statement and court attendance can also be provided upon request.
Our investigations do not leave a trace.
Claimants, Policyholders, Witnesses and any other individuals involved in an insurance claim or other similar legal matters. In addtion to Witnesses, Beneficiaries, next of kin, businesses/companies, Directors and missing people.
We work on behalf of legal & insurance professionals, and their agents, or others where they have a demonstrable legitimate interest in obtaining intelligence.
Please contact us for a note of our straightforward set fees and for a quote for bespoke work. Reductions are available for agreed volumes.
We use the latest cryptographic standards to encrypt our data, as well as two factor authentication. We also utilise advanced Artificial Intelligence and other data security technologies to detect and block security threats and we use Virtual Private Networks with secure and encrypted connections to provide privacy and anonymity.
There are no guaranteed outcomes in terms of what we’ll locate. We do, however, operate under fixed fee agreements, with no time cap per case.